Friday, January 22, 2010

Snow Day!

Today was Snow Day at our church. The preschool ministry had a bunch of snow (or ice) trucked in and dumped on the grounds of the church. Today the temperature is about 70 degrees with beautiful sunshine so we are dressed for the sun, warmth and snow? Madilyn has on the purple gloves and Morgan has on the blue/green gloves.

Madilyn thought she needed her sunglasses on... it was pretty bright out.

The girls playing with their friend Miss Julia.

After we played in the snow, we had a little hot chocolate and graham crackers. My girls didn't want to take their gloves off so they're eating with them on.
Morgan is sitting with her friends, Julia and her brother Evan and our neighbor & friend Baleigh.

Madilyn is trying real hard to eat her cracker and not eat her gloves...

Our friends Eli and Micah also came out and enjoyed the snow...
The church also had some sidewalk chalk ready to go and my girls along with Eli and Micah enjoyed doing a little artwork. Madilyn (left) and Morgan (right)
The girls also needed to get a little more playtime we played for a bit on the slides. Morgan is here doing it all by herself! Today's nap time was a great success too after playing so hard.

Park Day!

With all this BEAUTIFUL weather God has given us here in the Houston area, we've been spending A LOT of time outside enjoying the warmth and soaking up the sunshine! Yesterday, we met some friends at the local park for some playtime and then we ate a nice picnic lunch. Morgan (left) and Madilyn (right) have now mastered the "rolling pin" slide. The girls are able to walk up the ramps and go down the slide all by themselves! Of course, they both have their own way of doing things...

...this is Madilyn coming down it "her way"...

...Then we have Morgan who is all smiles saying "awwww" as she bumps down the slide.

Morgan enjoying the swings...

Madilyn so happy to be swinging...

Madilyn on the bouncy seahorse...
Morgan on the bouncy dolphin...
Madilyn (left) and Morgan (right) enjoying the seesaw. Thank you Lord for the beautiful weather!

Sidewalk Chalk...Yummy!

It's January and this week we have had the most perfect weather...70 degrees with sunshine! We went out and played in the driveway earlier this week with sidewalk chalk. The girls have played with it before, but this day they actually colored the sidewalk with it instead of just eating. Before, they would spend more time eating it and less time using it the correct way. Although they did get a couple tastes of it here and there by the chalk marks on their lips.

Morgan on the left with the bracelet on and Madilyn on the right.
Morgan busy coloring. I drew them a circle and they both went right over to set in it...too cute!

Madilyn with her beautiful artwork! Their little shirts they have on are from their Aunt Diane Varley. They say "Miso Cute" and they have a little character eating Miso Soup! Thanks Auntie Diane!

Madilyn (left) and Morgan (right)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Story time at the Library

Today we went to story time at our library. We had never been before and one of the other WMOMs suggested we give it a try. The girls did great. They sat and ate animal crackers while the lady read 4 stories and we did some fun songs. When story time was over the girls got to do a little art project. They actually colored on their owl puppets!

While we were there we got to see the Cheney twin boys. Their mom Kristy and I are in WMOMs together. We shared the same due date when we were pregnant but her boys stuck to the plan, while my girls came 6 weeks earlier. It was fun to see them interact together. We'll definitely be back next week and for many more Tuesdays to come.

Adventures in Coloring!

The girls got some cute Crayola crayons and markers. We did a little coloring with them at our new little table yesterday.
Madilyn (top & left) and Morgan (bottom & right)
Thought this one of their toes was too cute. Their feet won't be touching the floor for a few more years so instead their little toes looked for each other. Madilyn prefers to not wear socks as you can see.

Growing up...

This week I have learned that my baby girls are not babies anymore. They are not those same cute little girls I brought home from the hospital. They are still cute and yes they are still little girls, but they are quickly turning into toddlers. They are always moving and always doing anything and everything. Sam and I have learned that they are really starting to mimic us in everything we do. They see us folding towels, so they fold towels. They see us unloading the dishwasher, so they think they need to unload the dishwasher. It's not exactly helpful, but I know it will be one day. One of the girls new favorite things to do right now is play with their baby dolls. One day I showed them how to wrap the baby in the blanket and now they try to swaddle their babies like mommy does. They take the time to lay the blanket (or dishtowel they get out of the drawer) then the lay the baby down and try and wrap her up. It is the cutest thing. Morgan will even pat the babies back on her shoulder when she get the baby wrapped up. So cute!

The other day I decided to get a couple newborn diapers out that I had saved for them to play with. I showed them how to put the diaper on the baby and they of course picked it right up. As you can see, Elmo is now wearing diapers.
The girls are also enjoying playing with some of the new toys they got for Christmas. They got a little vacuum and lawn mower that they enjoy pushing around the house. As well, as a toy ironing board with an iron and squirt bottle. They are getting good at it too! Madilyn and Morgan also got a nice collection of Fisher Price Little People. The doll house with the people and the barn with a bunch of animals. We're working on learning the different farm animals right now.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year visiting friends... The girls with their friends Julia and Evan. We were invited over for dinner and fun New Years Eve...thanks guys!

New Year's Day we drove up to College Station to see our good friends Meagan and Jesse. Morgan enjoyed building towers and reading books with Mr. Jesse.

Madilyn enjoyed bouncing on the big ball with Meagan and Ashley. Thanks for having us over for black eyed peas and cornbread. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!